วันอังคารที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

New Year To-Do Lists - 6 Home Accessories to Help You Tackle Yours

It's the starting of a new decade and a good time to consider participating in some light retail therapy specifically for your home.

This isn't a list of resolutions, mind you - it's a list of things you should consider adding to your shopping wishlist to help you upgrade your nest just adequate to make a contrast for you and your house this year. Arm yourself for a 2011 well done with these six handy home helpers:

Polaroid Printer

1. A cool toolbox (you know, with real tools in it). You can fix things, you can make things, and you can make the world's most tangled mess of metal in your junk closet, all with resorting to keeping your household tools in a grocery bag.

2. A countertop household compost collector. If you eat vegetables (or plan to start, anyway), you haven't tasted a tomato until you've tasted one you grew yourself with the help of a well-maintained compost bin packed with compostable household waste. Which leads me to...

3. An outdoor compost bin. These come pre-made and sturdy in stores, or you can make your own with a metal trashcan, a drill, and some chicken wire netting. If you still have questions, many local libraries host Composting 101 workshops.

4. Chalkboard decals. Write down your "I love you's" for those days you seem to barely cross paths with your partner or children. Let the babysitter know what the kids are excited about these days before you scamper away for your well-deserved date night, because "Hey, let's do magic tricks!" is much more flourishing when the small ones have been talking about magic all week long.

5. A photo printer. Your digital candids make beautiful desktop wallpaper, but that blank spot above the hallway table could use a perfectly sized costly occasion captured in clean black and white. If frames are too much problem to hang, try Polaroid-style frame decals for an authentic retro look.

6. Ambient lighting. Life just looks great when the lighting is a lovely buttery bright. If you can't seem to get the bulb right, get out that toolbox and try changing the lampshades or ceiling fixtures.

Once your daily lifestyle includes fixtures that encourage you to share your devotion to your dearests, fix your own household malfunctions, eat healthier, discard waste mindfully, and see things a bit prettier, you might just feel like giving yourself a day off from those other New Year's resolutions.

See Also : printer ink toner http://laptgraphicard.blogspot.com/ http://besthomeprinter.blog.com/ http://henrycameras.blog.com/

